Atheist Questions


I belong to a little atheist Meetup group, and we got an email from a lady in the South not long back, asking for … well, moral support, mostly. Most recently,  she asked us some philosophical questions related to our personal experience of atheism. Here are my answers.

Would you say that you were an ideal model for society? 

Continue reading “Atheist Questions”

The Wisdom of the Beavers

beaver.jpgSaw this little magazine in the foyer of a local coffee shop a few days back. The main title, “Wisdom,” was stated in large letters, then below, smaller, was a subtitle “of the beavers, earth, body, mind & soul.”

So I picked it up. How can you go wrong with a magazine titled “Wisdom of the beavers”? The wisdom of Earth’s natural architects, able to build dams and cozy lodges out of trees? Especially if the beavers were finally weighing in on “earth, body, mind & soul.” Whoa, count me in!

Oh, man, can’t tell you how disappointed I was. I finally looked at the cover again and realized that in the scripty font they were using, the word that looked like “beavers” was actually “heavens.”

So it was really “Wisdom of the heavens, earth, body, mind & soul.” It was all this new-agey stuff. Nothing at all about beavers.


For instance, here’s an ad from the inner pages:

[Picture of woman with big hair and giant earrings] Hello, My name is Layla. I am a very experienced channeling psychic. I have several abilities and talents that range from one spectrum to another. For example, I am clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, a channeler, a mind reader, past, present, future time frames, an astrologist, a member of the American Tarot Association and a certified professional tarot reader. I can also do seances, automatic writing, prophetic revelations, psychometry, dream interpretation and handwriting analysis. I would love to have the opportunity to speak with you. Give me a call, thanks.

See? No mention of beavers. I mean, sure, the woman’s practically a Swiss Army Knife of psychic abilities, but could she gather materials for a dam using only her teeth?

And then: [Mystical mandala thingie superimposed over largish woman with sunglasses] “Cheri Evans – Spiritual Counselor, Master Teacher, Intuitive Healer – Doing Spiritual Readings for over 25 years.”

“Through many transitions and initiations, Cheri has come to find her path. As her journey has now come full circle her truths become available to those who search for answers. – Spiritual and Life Readings – Past Life Readings – Conscious Channeling – Cheri’s work is to bring forth information that sheds light on your path and connects you with your life’s purpose.”

Well, that all sounds noble enough. But what use will it all be when the floodwaters rocket down the canyon towards your house? 

I guess I don’t get this New Age stuff.

Day 18 – Too Much Hank

Another great workout today, weight lifting with all the proper gruntings, whooshes of breath and showing of teeth.  And by the end of it, I was casting admiring glances at myself in the wall mirror, getting all faint at how big my shoulders looked. Whew!

The best news is, when I stepped on the scale BEFORE my workout, I broke 180! I’m down to 179.3 on the digital scale, including gym clothes and shoes. I’ve actually lost 10 pounds since I started this.

Upsetting the Elephant

elephant.jpgSo. All the blues and reds went out to vote today.

From numbers harvested off, at 9:30 p.m., the total number of nominating convention delegates won by the various candidates makes McCain look like he’s well ahead of Clinton and Obama, but if you look at the raw numbers of votes each candidate got, a different story entirely emerges.

Looking at the vote tallies for the frontrunners of each state for which there were comparable figures at the time I wrote this, the Democratic frontrunner is outvoting the Republican frontrunner like so:

  • AL – 1.6 times as many votes
  • AR – 1.9 times as many votes
  • CT – 2.1 times as many votes
  • DE – 2.0 times as many votes
  • GA – 1.8 times as many votes
  • MA – 2.8 times as many votes
  • MO – 2.8 times as many votes
  • NJ – 2.0 times as many votes
  • NY – 2.9 times as many votes
  • TN – 3.7 times as many votes
  • UT – 3.4 times as many votes

I realize all the numbers aren’t in yet. In a couple of the states, the numbers showed a 10-time lead in raw votes for Democrats, and I figured something was squinky with the tallies for those states, so I threw them out.

Still, if these early results show a lead in numbers of voters in each state ranging from 1.6 to 3.7 – roughly 2 to 4 times as many voters picking a Democratic candidate – we might have a really good November.

Subvocalizing to self: don’tgetcockytoosoontocelebrate

But damn! Wouldn’t that be nice??

Hwd Video Sux — but that’s just my subjective opinion.

I was in one of those video stores tonight to return a movie. I rented “Cars” a few days back. I was in the mood for an animated story, and Cars fit the mood.

Took it home to play it, got about 20 minutes or so into the movie and the scene froze. Nothing I could do would make it work. It did have a scratch on the shiny side, but it didn’t look that bad. But apparently that one scratch was enough to bollix up the laser thingie. I went “eh” and figured I’d return it and get a refund.

Turns out Hwd Video, according to the well-trained corporate-ette in the store, will give you only this very special “refund” — they’ll give you a credit which is good ONLY for that specific movie. In other words, they’d give me another copy of Cars.

She explained it to me: “Because otherwise, you could get to watch another movie for free.” Left me gaping. Huh?

Continue reading “Hwd Video Sux — but that’s just my subjective opinion.”

Bumper Snicker

Saw a bumper sticker on a car ahead of me in traffic a day or two back. It said only


Took me a minute, but I finally figured it out and laughed out loud. It’s the date of the end of the House of Bush.

Can’t be too soon.

The Good Stuff


If you’re new here, you may not know this about me: I’m an atheist.

Yep. And here’s where you find out why.

A reader on another blog I frequent, Unscrewing the Inscrutable, posted a comment that got me thinking about it:

It does seem to me that most of the people here have some problem with christians and christianity beyond that toward other religions and superstitions. And I am willing to hear if or even why this may be true. […] I’d really like to hear. And it’s ok to be blunt.

My answer was:


. Continue reading “The Good Stuff”

Just testing.

Still learning how to use all the bells and whistles of WordPress. Wealth At 10 Below 

Here’s a pic of a blue jay I took recently. It’s on my Flickr site, and the thingie I just downloaded allows me to link to those photos and show them here. 

If you click on the pic, it will shoot you over to where the original is. Cool plug-in!


Day 14 – Too Much Hank

Weighed myself at the gym today, and I’m down about 8 pounds. So I’m losing about four pounds a week. Is that good?

I know I feel different. My workout today really felt good — I powered through it, and upped several of my weights for next session. I can really feel the mass difference in my arms and shoulders. That 8 pounds is 8 pounds even with this increase in muscle mass, so I think I’m down a good 10 pounds, if we’re just counting padding. Continue reading “Day 14 – Too Much Hank”