Today I got 20 queries all prepped for mailing tomorrow. I’m doing publishers initially, will focus on agents later in the week.
I took a year off from work and wrote two books, one a children’s book, the other this book on atheism, with the working title “Blue Collar Atheist.”
Anyone who’s read my various blog incarnations over the years has probably read some of my essays; the atheism book is about half those, half new stuff, with cool chapter titles like “Batman Almighty,” “The Wellspring of the Gods,” “Sucking Up to the Virgin Mary,” “The Evidence of True Things,” “Hello Mr. Death” and “The Headwaters of Reality.” More obvious titles are “Why Beliefs Matter,” “Good Without Gods,” “On Being An Unbeliever,” and “Saying Goodbye to Gods.”
If I had to describe the basic idea of the book in one sentence, it would be “You don’t have to be a highly-educated intellectual to free yourself from religion.”
And IF IF IF the thing sells, you might get to read it in, oh, a year or so.
Argh. Should’ve started five years ago.