Sociopaths in Paradise — Part 1

Back when I was in politics, one of the side effects of running for office was that I had a lot more people in my face.

If you’re used to your small private life, especially if you’re an introvert like me, you have no idea how much you treasure your time in your own home pursuits, until that time is threatened, or vanishes.

Give you an example: It’s years and years back, and I’m running for town council. This necessitates talking to a lot of people. Not in speeches or TV appearances, but just in everyday life. You’re rolling a grocery cart down the aisle of the supermarket, and people stop you to talk about politics. You’re standing in line at the pharmacy to pick up a prescription, same thing. You’re out on a job site, ditto. You’re riding a horse for recreation along a mountain trail, another rider approaches — bang, politics. Continue reading “Sociopaths in Paradise — Part 1”

German Court Grabs Parents by the Foreskin

Oooh. A German court has ruled that not even deeply religious parents have the right to circumcise young boys on religious grounds, calling it “grievous bodily harm.”

The regional court in Cologne, western Germany, ruled that the ‘fundamental right of the child to bodily integrity outweighed the fundamental rights of the parents.’

‘The religious freedom of the parents and their right to educate their child would not be unacceptably compromised, if they were obliged to wait until the child could himself decide to be circumcised,’ the court added. Continue reading “German Court Grabs Parents by the Foreskin”

Because I Am An Atheist

Ian Cromwell, brilliant fellow FtBer who writes a profound and witty blog under the Crommunist Manifesto banner, asked me to contribute to his “Because I am an atheist” series. He printed my piece a bit less than a week ago, with an intro that referred to me as “the incomparable Hank Fox.” (How can you not like a guy who calls you THAT?)

I’m echoing the piece here. If you’d like to contribute your own take on the subject, Crommunist is actively soliciting submissions.  Click the title link below to go to his original post, and contact him via his email address from the About the Author box in the right column.  (Also, take the time to read the wonderful comments to Ian’s original piece.) Continue reading “Because I Am An Atheist”

Bow, Yield, Kneel — Everywhere A Sign

Came across this church reader board yesterday while I was driving. It’s in front of the Calvary Assembly of God castle in Amsterdam, New York.

I know you can’t read it. The pic was taken with my cellphone camera, through a dirty windshield, and while I was stopped at a red light.


The message was instantly repulsive. Surrender your will?

I mean … surrender your will? Who teaches that?? Continue reading “Bow, Yield, Kneel — Everywhere A Sign”

The Funny Thing About Sexual Harassment. And Then the Unfunny Thing.

Tell you a coupla stories:

When I was about 16, I worked part-time as a stock boy and gofer at the central office of a chain of health clubs in Houston.

One of my not-quite-co-workers was Bobby, a big black guy who was the right-hand man of the distribution director. The performance of our duties would normally almost never put Bobby and I in the same room together, but I saw him everyday anyway. Continue reading “The Funny Thing About Sexual Harassment. And Then the Unfunny Thing.”

Sexual Harassment: FtBers Hang Out on Google Hangout

You’ll probably see this all over Freethought Blogs, but …

Big news these days is the subject of policies addressing harassment, sexual and otherwise, at atheist/freethought conventions. In this Google Hangout video, Freethought bloggers discuss a controversy surrounding TAM, The Amazing Meeting.

Brainwashing, Jesus … and Fascistic Creep

What better way to brainwash people than to stress them, exhaust them, force them to go without food and sleep? And THEN jump in with your message, the thing you want to force into their unresisting minds, when they’re at their most vulnerable?

I’m describing the brainwashing tactics of Stalin, or Mao Tse Tung, right?

No. I’m talking about U.S. Military chaplains. I’m talking about the brainwashing of U.S. soldiers to become Christians, and Christian evangelists. All of it paid for, by their own proud admission, by our government. Continue reading “Brainwashing, Jesus … and Fascistic Creep”

13: Blogathan for Secular Student Alliance!

Okay, here’s where I shock and dismay many of you. The part where you’ll say “I don’t agree! My experience is different! You’re just wrong!”

But I want you to think about this. It’s something that’s bothered me for years and years, something I think matters — a little detail of compassion that few of us ever think about, but that disturbs me greatly. Continue reading “13: Blogathan for Secular Student Alliance!”