Tito the Mighty Hunter: Good Dead Things


Thinking about dogs tonight, so I’m reposting this bit from 2008:

In most dog-related things, I was a fairly indulgent dad. But having my four-leggers roll in dead stuff, or go off into the brush and bring back something rotten, I had a hard time with that.

Tito was especially bad about it.

One summer day we were out along Varmint Creek hiking. I have this thing I sometimes do – I think of it as my super power – I hike and read at the same time. The subconscious Guardian Idiot that resides in all our heads, in my case has terrific peripheral vision, and I’m able to read and navigate along a trail, even rough mountain terrain, at the same time. I never fall down, I never walk into trees, I never even stumble. Continue reading “Tito the Mighty Hunter: Good Dead Things”

Dear Mr. President

Oh man, I am so glad you won. Whew! Mitt Romney just scared the hell out of me. And Ryan a heartbeat away from the presidency? No way!

I know you have a lot on your plate right now, but … I’m going to toss one more serving up there.

“ABCD by 2023” is an ambitious scientific research project I’d like to see Americans undertake. Briefly, it’s a 10-year Apollo-style project against four diseases: Alzheimer’s. Birth defects. Cancer. Diabetes.

For the rest of it, I hope you’ll forgive me for presenting it as a presidential speech: Continue reading “Dear Mr. President”

Slight Damper on the Obama Victory

One of my old Texas friends sent me an email last night, titled “A Touch of Real Class,” showing 18 pictures of George W. Bush mixing and mugging with uniformed soldiers arriving at the Dallas-Fort Worth airport. It ends with “And, tell me once again the name of the person in the White House who bad-mouths this man and his wife.” Jeezus.

(Inside scoop: I picked this photo out of all the others because of the young man’s crooked smile. I fancy it says “Yeah, yeah, I’m smiling on that side because my folks asked me to pose with the former Commander-in-Creep, but on THIS side I’m all ‘Dayyum, this dude makes my skin crawl!’ “) Continue reading “Slight Damper on the Obama Victory”