I’m not liking the fact that the Trump candidacy has set off this sneering assault on White Men.
Yeah, I get it that there are a certain number of Trump supporters — “white” men — out there who are making some bad decisions this election cycle.
But there are a lot of OTHER white men — I suspect a majority — who are kind, decent, intelligent, diligent, respectful, generous and caring. I know a LOT of them. (This does not mean they will agree with you on every possible thing you believe, or support everything you support.)
There’s a thing that happens with every catastrophe, where one or more people leap instantly on stage and attempt to USE the tragedy to sell their own position.
Horrible deadly tornado? —Gays caused it.
Economic meltdown? —Tax and spend Democrats.
Deadly plague? —Atheists.
Sept. 11? —Squishy liberals who want to destroy this nation.
The Trump presidential campaign? —Oh, that’s because of racist, misogynist WHITE MEN.
This is the kind of thing someone with their own agenda — quite different from the central issue — would say.
I have yet to hear anybody say SOME white men, or CONSERVATIVE white men, or even THOSE PARTICULAR white men, the ones who actually support Donald Trump.
Oh no, this is WHITE MEN — ALL white men.
You know, the way ALL Muslims are terrorists.
So just watch where you fire those rhetorical bullets, okay? Some of us are standing out here in the target area.