Another reason mainstream media sucks

bushsmirk.jpgYesterday Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, presented 35 Articles of Impeachment on the floor of the House of Representatives.

And today I can’t find it on the mainstream media at all, anywhere. ABC, CNN, MSNBC, even the BBC has let readers down.

I have found a very brief story on Reuters, but it makes the point several times that the effort is not expected to go anywhere.

Bob Fertik, President of, said: “Some might question why Congressman Kucinich has done this now. My question is why 434 other Congress Members have not done it before. Despite the uncountable and unspeakable crimes this administration has committed, George Bush and Dick Cheney remain in power and immune from prosecution. Congress must impeach Bush and Cheney now – before they further abuse their power by pardoning [everyone involved] for all of their crimes.”

You can read the full text of the Articles of Impeachment here.

Thirty-five detailed reasons why Bush should be impeached, 7 years of lies and deception and theft and death, 7 years at the helm while America’s power and prestige eroded away, 7 years of assaults on the environment, on freedoms, on the economy, on our own belief in Justice.

All vanishing into silence, into indifference, so that Bush and company just … get away with it. Retiring rich and powerful, giving speeches at $50,000 a whack, writing books twisting history for their own pleasure, and a gutless, ball-less American media — and a Democratic congress, it must be said — just sitting back and letting it happen.

You can find out more about it at .