The Things Atheists Do

I picked up my very own Master of Christian Logic today at Unbelief as a Thought Experiment, and had a rousing set-to in comments  over weighty matters such as science and the supernatural. I probably didn’t cover myself with glory — the thing seemed to end in that snippy back-and-forth stuff and I just got tired of it. I did beg him to Come to the Dark Side, offering the standard promise of freedom and joy, but he wasn’t having any of it, intoning (can you intone in a blog comment?):

You’re not the first atheist I’ve run across. I’ve been reading atheist literature/websites for a dozen years. I purposely subscribe to blogs from different viewpoints (atheists, Christians, Muslims, pagans, Republicans, Democrats, etc.). I subscribe to the entire FTB blog feed, in fact. The fact is I don’t find atheism intellectually compelling but it’s not because I don’t listen to its proponents.

Anyway, I think this guy, and others like him, don’t like us atheists simply because they don’t know what we’re like. You know, how cool we are, how compassionate, how normal.

So I thought I’d just show him, and others, what atheists do. I hope my commenter and others will find this enlightening.