In answer to an FBF’s (Facebook Friend) question:
What is your current Philosophy of Life? Continue reading “Short Takes from Facebook 2”
In answer to an FBF’s (Facebook Friend) question:
What is your current Philosophy of Life? Continue reading “Short Takes from Facebook 2”
Cure Faith lists “7 reasons why becoming an atheist sucks.”
Best part is here:
7. You dumb.
You have to admit you were horribly deluded. You might just have to dissect your lost faith inside and out, and maybe start a blog to lure others into the bleak reality you have discovered. What’s worse is that all the faithful are exposed as the infected they have always been. Like waking from your stupor amongst the flesh eating zombie hoard, you are not in a better place!
The New Welcome Baptist Church in Mobile, Alabama, is WAY more exciting than any church I ever went to!
“The mayhem erupted when the Rev. Darryl Riley told minister of music Simone Moore that he was no longer needed and gave him a final paycheck, the Sheriff’s Office reported.
“Moore disagreed with the amount of the check and an argument broke out, in which Moore wielded a Taser gun, according to the account given to deputies.”
The brawl spread among the godly congregation, and the music minister’s mother even suffered a slashing requiring surgery after Deacon Harvey Hunt reportedly leaped into the fray with a pocket knife. In all, six parishioners wound up at the hospital.
Tasers! Knife slashings! Blood spatters! That there is some kick-ass Sunday services.
With apologies to Samuel L. Jackson …
Probably NSFW, so click ahead at your own peril. Continue reading “Why Adam & Eve REALLY Got Kicked Out”
Got an extra 5 grand? You could start the bidding on
the first ever “lunar Bible” — a little square sheet of microfilm, just an inch and a half on a side, carried to the lunar surface by astronaut Edgar Mitchell on Apollo 14 in February 1971.
It doesn’t seem to have a lot of holy power, seeing as how it barely made it to the moon. Its Holy Author first allowed a mistake on Apollo 12, leaving it in the orbiter rather than causing it to go to the actual moon, then allowed the catastrophe on Apollo 13, only getting it right the third time, with Apollo 14.
But hey! Bible. Moon. Wowsers! Wotta prize!
I’d feel better about the auction if the money was going to an actual astronaut, or the space program.
The really bad part is that you can only read the Looney Bible if you have Jesus’ microscopic super-vision.
Weird. There’s also this.
Ohmygod it was hell! Nine and a half hours without power. I had to write BY HAND! With a PENCIL! On PAPER!! And communicate with people with my VOICE!!!
We were practically a third world country there for a while.
Seriously: Hope everyone weathered the storm (or continues to weather it), wherever you are, or at least thinks/thought kind thoughts of us here on the East Coast.
The sum total of the damage at my house is a couple of large limbs down in the yard. I had a little bit of an adventure this morning when I went over to check on a friend at his plant nursery. I ended up holding down the end of a sheet-plastic greenhouse the wind was threatening to send off like a hot air balloon, while he frantically stapled and roped and weighted.
If you haven’t already seen this much-copied joke, here’s something from Facebook: Continue reading “Post Irene … I Hope”