Beta Culture: The Footprint of the Past

One of my many interests is the residual social / societal effects of historical events and social movements.

For instance, the fact that we still say “God bless you” when people sneeze, 14 centuries after the supposed origin of the practice …

One explanation holds that the custom originally began as an actual blessing. Gregory I became Pope in AD 590 as an outbreak of the bubonic plague was reaching Rome. In hopes of fighting off the disease, he ordered unending prayer and parades of chanters through the streets. At the time, sneezing was thought to be an early symptom of the plague. The blessing (“God bless you!”) became a common effort to halt the disease.

… means that when we get some idea in our little human heads, even crazy, useless shit, that crazy, useless shit PERSISTS.

WE KEEP ON DOING IT. Keep on teaching it, for decades, centuries, after it last meant anything real … if it ever did.

I know for a fact that the shadow of the slavery era, and the Civil War, still hangs over the Deep South where I grew up — in attitudes, government action, inter-racial relations, so much more — on both sides of the racial divide.

Living here in New York state, I’ve seen little hints here and there that the Prohibition era, the heyday of organized crime, still hangs over eastern cities. In police practices, in the attitudes and actions of elected officials.

It’s well known that Jews and Muslims still avoid pork, long after any evidentiary reason for it.

Speaking economically: considering the lengthy, ongoing failure of infrastructure in the U.S. – the desperate situation of roads and bridges, the school system, water and sewer systems – the beggaring debts of wars in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc., still hang over us.

I’ve considered that the ubiquity of religion worldwide has had massive and profound effects ranging from lingering social practices, government policy, language, understanding of history, even human psychology and our relation to the natural world.

But again on the subject of war, this catches my interest:

Historians have underestimated the death count of WWI by a huge margin

Look at these Austrian men murdering bound and blindfolded Serbian prisoners. Considering what we know about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, imagine what sort of psyche comes out of that. Imagine the millions of damaged young men coming home after this war, and that war, and all those other wars.

Few of us find it easy to kill others. The military takes mostly-peaceable nebbishes off the street and teaches them how to do it — to shoot, stab and blow up other human beings. It shoves them into the blowtorch of war where they experience the opportunity or necessity of killing and torturing others. After which, with full memories and attitudes intact, it releases them back into common society.

With that package of damage in their heads, essentially as functional sociopaths, they then attempt to reincorporate into society. Where they grapple with their attitudes about women, about freedom of speech, about foreigners, about religion. Voting those attitudes. Spreading them. Teaching them to their kids. Supporting new and more deadly wars, but also the conditions that cause those wars. Accepting without question or protest further government actions, or authoritarian proclamations, or even heinous lies propagated by such sources as FOX News.

Yes, we as an entire culture, an entire civilization, are damaged by the lasting cultural footprint of religion.

But now I’m considering this new idea, that war, just as deadly as religion to both individual human sanity and the sanity of entire cultures, may hang over us as an equally-dark social cloud.

One more reason to attempt to take a new path, develop a new culture, something more reasonable, more human and humane.

Cross-Posting Frank Schaeffer

Not a HUGE fan of Patheos co-blogger Frank Schaeffer (“Why I Still Talk to Jesus”) but this is worth reading: The Slow-Motion Lynching of President Barack Obama.

Go over there and take a few minutes with it. For me the title alone was an eye-opener; “slow-motion lynching” opened doors in my head, giving me an A-Ha! that had been 6 years building.

One of the comments:

This president is as good as it gets. And more. I am with you ALL the way—he is part of the 99% but when it comes to character, ethics, compassion, intellect, and personal behavior, to name just a few attributes, President Obama is in the top 1% of this country’s presidents as people around the world easily see. But his backbone is yet another reason why he is beloved by most healthy and honorable Americans…

Tell you what, I’m amazed by the guy. I voted for Obama twice, and I have very few regrets. Because I saw what we had before, and because I looked at all the candidates since (Sarah Palin? Rick Perry? Rick Santorum? Michele Bachmann???). But also because of what he’s done, and tried to do, and said, and tried to say.

I’m amazed at a great deal of what he’s accomplished, and doubly amazed at how little traction those accomplishments continue to get. (If Bush had gotten Bin Laden, we’d be carving his presidential likeness on a mountain by now. )

Hell no, I don’t like everything government’s doing right now. But behind the noxious smoke being cranked out 24/7 by FOX News, and Congress, and the GOP, and the slithering tangle of beer-bellied trailer-trash shitheads who sat grinning and waving flags through 8 years of Bush but who now think they’re political experts who deserve deep input into how government operates … there’s a bright, calm, decent guy trying to do his job.

And making a pretty good go of it, in spite of it all.

Years back when I was involved in small-town politics, I watched the local power players control the town council and the water board, sometimes literally winking and laughing when they pulled off dirty political shenanigans in full view of an enraged and fully-aware public. Now I see that scaled up and on the national stage.

We have a seriously twisted public square right now, something that scares the hell out of me. I’m just boggled that things can be this crazy, this out-in-the-open insane. I mean … FOX News can really DO this crap? Congressional Republicans can wreck the government at will, just for grins? And walk away smiling? And we LET them? Knowing some of what’s at stake?

It’s like we’re all stuck inside this weird media force field where nothing of outside reality can get through, where the only truly critical feedback we get is through comedians. And we’re okay with it. We’re letting it go on.

After all the smoke dies down, and assuming the country survives this — that what’s happening is not already a sign of unstoppable disintegration — I believe Obama will be seen as a truly great president.

I like to think he’s the herald of an extended period of reasonable government, an accidental statesman who got through a system created to filter out statesmen, and who helped shift things back toward sanity.

Rather than, say, a figure known to future history as the last dying gasp of working Democracy.


BTW, I wouldn’t mind talking to you Frank. The — well — SANITY of this piece impressed and surprised me, and also gave me a little wake-up regarding preconceptions about religious people. It would be interesting to talk about possible preconceptions about atheists from the goddy side.

The World Is Ending. Michele Bachmann Says So.

I love this quote from the Daily Kos story:

Rep. Michele Bachmann is a member of Congress. She’s one of the people currently celebrating the shutdown of the American government as being a fine thing. She is on—and I am not making this up—the House Intelligence Committee.

This is a person who gained so much respect in her home district, where people KNOW her, that she has been repeatedly elected to public office — first the Minnesota state senate, later the U.S. House of Representatives — since 2000.

Which makes her voice more resonant than the guy standing on a corner mumbling about Jesus:

Now what this says to me, I’m a believer in Jesus Christ, as I look at the End Times scripture, this says to me that the leaf is on the fig tree and we are to understand the signs of the times, which is your ministry, we are to understand where we are in God’s End Times history.

Rather than seeing this as a negative, we need to rejoice, Maranatha Come Lord Jesus, His day is at hand. When we see up is down and right is called wrong, when this is happening, we were told this; these days would be as the days of Noah.

I’m out of the loop on whatever sect this phrase comes from — Maranatha Come Lord Jesus — but isn’t that a magical-sounding thing? Makes you want to throw it into your own conversations.

I took the dog for a walk today, Maranatha Come Lord Jesus, and the fall colors were wonderful.

No, I did my homework, Maranatha Come Lord Jesus, but my little brother tore it up.

Maybe we could start abbreviating it and it could replace LOL as a frequent interjection in online conversations:

You were drunk as hell at the party and took off your top in front of everyone, MCLJ!

The boss bent over at the water cooler yesterday, MCLJ, and it was like looking at the Grand Canyon, only with pimples and hair.

I also love this bit from Wikipedia:

Bachmann is under investigation by the House Ethics Committee, the Federal Election Commission, the Iowa Senate Ethics Committee, the Urbandale Police Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation because of alleged campaign finance violations in her 2012 campaign for President.

And I especially like this:

On May 29, 2013, Bachmann announced that she would not seek re-election to her Congressional seat in 2014.

A little more than a year before the Bachmann Crazy Show goes off the air.

Ted Nugent — Masculine, Admirable, Freedom-Loving American. Or Not.

weThePeoplePimple-on-a-dog’s-ass aging rocker Ted Nugent has been invited to the State of the Union Address by Texas Rep. Steve Stockman.

Considering that Nugent has made fairly blatant public threats against both the President and outgoing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — for instance:

 “If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will be either be dead or in jail by this time next year.”

— and —

“Obama, he’s a piece of sh*t. I told him to suck on my machine gun. Hey Hillary [Clinton], you might want to ride one of these [brandishing two automatic rifles] into the sunset, you worthless b*tch.”

… I think Nugent should be kept away of the State of the Union. Simple respect for the office of the President would be one good reason. I mean, can you imagine anyone like this being admitted to one of George W. Bush’s speeches? No.

But even aside from the politics of the thing, hell, I think there’s justification for mother and wife Michelle Obama to put her foot down. “I don’t want that man anywhere near my husband or my daughters. If he’s in the room, we won’t be. Period.”

I’d like the White House and the Secret Service to VERY CAREFULLY consider Nugent’s presence there.

Yes, Nugent has every right to make drug-addled, machine-gun-brandishing threats against the President. But to afterwards enter the chambers of Congress to attend the State of the Union Address? No, I don’t think so. That’s well beyond any First Amendment right.

If he’s to be admitted, I suggest AT LEAST a thorough interview, probably including a very careful physical search.

Here’s my We The People petition:

Carefully Interview Ted Nugent Before Admitting Him to the State of the Union Speech

Recognizing that aging rocker Ted Nugent has made thinly-veiled but blatantly public threats against the President of the United States and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, we request that the Secret Service interview Mr. Nugent, respectfully but carefully and at length, before admitting him to the State of the Union speech.

Observing an abundance of caution regarding the safety of the President, Vice President and members of Congress, as well as the guests, families, and loved ones of all those present, we further request Mr. Nugent be thoroughly screened for the external or internal presence of firearms or edged weapons, as well as chemical, radiological, biological or pharmacological agents which might, with or without Mr. Nugent’s knowledge, pose a danger to other attendees.

It’s the “internal” screening that really shows the gravity of the situation, don’t you think? Rubber glove time, Ted! Do it for America! (Hey, if I have to submit to a full-body scan or pat-down in order to get on a plane … )

If you want to pass along the petition via Twitter or Facebook, here’s the short link:


Please Support and Sign My “We The People” Petition!

weThePeopleDemocracy only works if we make it work. Please sign my petition and help create enhanced freedom and safety for all Americans. With their narrow focus on firearms, the NRA is failing to protect our FULL arms-bearing Second Amendment rights.

This is a real petition, and it needs 25,000 signatures by January 21, 2013. Let’s get to work, Americans! A blade-carrying population is a respectful population!

Click here:  Hank Fox’s We the People Petition Continue reading “Please Support and Sign My “We The People” Petition!”

Dear Mr. President

Oh man, I am so glad you won. Whew! Mitt Romney just scared the hell out of me. And Ryan a heartbeat away from the presidency? No way!

I know you have a lot on your plate right now, but … I’m going to toss one more serving up there.

“ABCD by 2023” is an ambitious scientific research project I’d like to see Americans undertake. Briefly, it’s a 10-year Apollo-style project against four diseases: Alzheimer’s. Birth defects. Cancer. Diabetes.

For the rest of it, I hope you’ll forgive me for presenting it as a presidential speech: Continue reading “Dear Mr. President”

Slight Damper on the Obama Victory

One of my old Texas friends sent me an email last night, titled “A Touch of Real Class,” showing 18 pictures of George W. Bush mixing and mugging with uniformed soldiers arriving at the Dallas-Fort Worth airport. It ends with “And, tell me once again the name of the person in the White House who bad-mouths this man and his wife.” Jeezus.

(Inside scoop: I picked this photo out of all the others because of the young man’s crooked smile. I fancy it says “Yeah, yeah, I’m smiling on that side because my folks asked me to pose with the former Commander-in-Creep, but on THIS side I’m all ‘Dayyum, this dude makes my skin crawl!’ “) Continue reading “Slight Damper on the Obama Victory”

Politics: Getting “Nailed” by Jesus, and Bush

(This is a repost, slightly edited, from 2008.)

Say you did something you thought was good at the time, but later turned out to be bad. You could admit the mistake. Or you could refuse to admit it.

Any sensible person would probably say the first option was the best one. If you can admit a mistake, you can probably do something to fix it, or correct your course so you don’t do it again. And you can move on.

The second option has some variations built into it, argumentative positions that might replace the simple “I didn’t make a mistake” with: Continue reading “Politics: Getting “Nailed” by Jesus, and Bush”

One in Five Americans Stricken With Crippling Mental Illness

Well, it’s a crippling mental illness if you’re a religious authority. Otherwise, it’s Freedom.

Nones Climb to 19 Percent

America’s “Nones” — the nonreligious — are at an all-time high, now comprising nearly one in five Americans (19%), according to a new study by the Pew Center for the People and the Press. The 19% count is based on aggregated surveys of 19,377 people conducted by the Pew Research Center throughout 2011 and reported by USA Today. Continue reading “One in Five Americans Stricken With Crippling Mental Illness”