6: Blogathan for Secular Student Alliance!

Just FYI: We’re just now in the process of leaving the solar system. If by “we” you’re willing to substitute V’ger. Er, Voyager 1.

Humanity escapes the solar system

With absolutely no attempt at hyperbole at all, it is fair to say that this is one of – if not the – biggest achievement of the human race.

For, as we speak, an object conceived in the human mind, and built by our tools, and launched from our planet, is sailing out of the further depths of our solar system – and will be the first object made by man to sail out into interstellar space.

The Voyager 1, built by Nasa and launched in 1977 has spent the last 35 years steadily increasing its distance from Earth, and is now now 17,970,000,000km – or 11,100,000,000miles – away, travelling at 10km a second.

Indications over the last week implies that Voyager 1 is now leaving the heliosphere – the last vestige of this solar system.

Read back over that and see if you can find any mention of Jesus, or God, or prayer.

Nope, not there.


And we did it with science and reason. Not religion.

What works? Science works, baby!


This is post 6 of 12 of Blue Collar Atheist’s Blogathon in support of the Secular Student Alliance. Donate by clicking the “Contribute” link in the SSA ad over in the right column. Or go to the Secular Student Alliance directly.

Or just click this button (It’s the exact color of Pepto-Bismol, isn’t it? Makes me think it’s a way of saying “I’m sick of how powerful religion is in our society, and I want young people to be offered this other choice”) :