I’m Back!

h.jpgHank on the RiverAnd still fumbling my way through learning WordPress. Kindly ignore the sawdust and debris — and the Kindergarten appearance — until I get things all fixed up.

I’ve been away for a year writing books and sitting on my fat ass gaining weight. I have some ambitious plans for the site, and for the next phase of my life. (First of which is that the fat ass has got to go. But also look for an announcement sometime this spring for a Very Big Project that I think will attract a lot of interest.)

Come back and visit when you can!


PS: Until I can figure out how to post it as a link in the sideboard, check out what I do now at


After being a magazine / newspaper editor and writer for 22 years, I’m doing proofing and editing — and copy writing — freelance now. (Doesn’t mean I won’t make lots of mistakes here. Just means I get paid to tell other people about theirs. And I’m GOOD at that.)

You need me to proofread your writing, and help you make it better. You know you do. 🙂