Values … Without God

The Foundation for a Better Life, at, has some TV spots I really like, about human values. The unexpected part is that, as near as I can tell, the purpose of the videos is to introduce viewers to simple lessons about decent behavior … without at the same time attempting to shove Jesus down your throat. A sample:

I couldn’t figure out how to embed this one, which I could only find on the original site, but it’s pretty good too.

Something I said in my book Red Neck Blue Collar Atheist is that if your goal is to spread moral messages such as these, but you do it by wrapping the message in religion, you divert and dilute attention from the core message. So much so that it often gets lost.

A lot of people really do believe Goodness is Godness, rather than Goodness is Goodness.

This is why religions are free to practice great evil, such as the institutionalized long-term child molesting of the Catholic Church. It’s why large numbers of Catholics are STILL convinced that the Church can do no wrong, and that this was all the work of bad individuals betraying the principles of the institution, rather than a bad institution  betraying the principles of the people who trust it.

Jaysus. And I Thought Coming Out as an Atheist Was Hard.

Maybe you’ve already seen this. A young man in the military, stationed in Germany, calls his Alabama father.

Can I tell you something? Will you love me, period? Dad, I’m gay.

Kudos to his father, too: Dad, you totally rock!
Makes me kind of ashamed I occasionally conceal the fact of being an atheist.


God-Goggles. Kinda Like Beer-Goggles, Only Whinier. (video)

New York Mayor Bloomberg successfully resisted pressure from religious groups, and held a secular remembrance for the families of 9/11 victims.

Predictably, the godder reaction was outrage. Failing to invite them is the same as attacking them. According to Richard Land, who leads the public policy arm of the Southern Baptist Convention:

Nobody was turning religious leaders away from the scene 10 years ago. Why are they being banned from the 10th anniversary? The only answer, pure and simple, is anti-religious prejudice. Continue reading “God-Goggles. Kinda Like Beer-Goggles, Only Whinier. (video)”