Calvin & Hobbes Epilog — Extra Bacon!

I’m just going to go ahead and assume everybody in the known Universe knew about this. That’s the way these things usually work when I “discover” something especially delightful. If there was a Last to Know Club, I would be elected president by popular acclaim.

I’m also going to assume you are a Calvin & Hobbes fan, because, hey, if you’re not, you’re dead to me.

But! In 2011, years after Bill Watterson stopped doing Calvin & Hobbes, a couple of brothers doing a comic named Pants are Overrated did just these four strips of Calvin’s life 26 years later. Continue reading “Calvin & Hobbes Epilog — Extra Bacon!”

Toasty Toes at Tony Robbins Event

I actually like Tony Robbins, and I lean toward buy-in to the basic concept of motivational speaking.

The difference between believing you can do a thing, and not do that thing, matters. I’ve had amazing successes at points in my life, and terrible failures at others. Some of those amazing successes were attended by a deliberately positive mindset, some of the terrible failures were attended by aimlessly negative ones. Continue reading “Toasty Toes at Tony Robbins Event”

Maverick Blogger Pioneers World’s First Blog Post Reboot!

Seeing the new Batman movie last night, I had this exciting epiphany about blogging.

Blogging is enormously demanding of time and energy. You have to turn out a completely new post at least every few days. For some bloggers, it’s a new post several times EACH  DAY.

But sitting in the theater and looking around at the happy faces, movie-goers content to see yet another Batman movie and plop down $9.50 for the privilege, I thought about reboots. Continue reading “Maverick Blogger Pioneers World’s First Blog Post Reboot!”

Um. I Have My First Troll. I Think.

Apparently I have acquired a troll. A nice conservative fellow who describes himself:

A 77 year old Pro Iraq War Agnostic Atheist Activist, 101st Airborne Vet and a former member of management in some of Top American 500 corporations.

Also ‘formally’ a Fire Walking, Deep Sea – Scuba Diving, Paratrooping, Bungee Jumping, Spelunking, 1 & 3 Meter Spring Board Diving, Partying & Dancing, Rock Climbing, River Rapid Running, Expert Shooting, Life Saving, Body Surfing and Beach VolleyBall Playing Son of a Beach.

Still a Truth Telling, Women Chasing (92 times Catching) Iconoclastic, Philosophizing, Crime Stopping, & a “Barking” Grumpy Old “Son Of A Beach.” Continue reading “Um. I Have My First Troll. I Think.”

Death From Above! Sloppy Bats!

If you’ve read my Falling Leaves post on Earth Day, you know I have a somewhat grim view of what’s coming. Based on nothing more complex than the fact that we have no way to control human population growth, and will probably never have a conscious, deliberate way, we are screwing ourselves out of a future. Control will come from outside, via natural forces, and it will be ugly.

On that light-hearted subject, here’s an interesting article from the New York Times: The Ecology of Disease. Continue reading “Death From Above! Sloppy Bats!”

No Secret Here: I’m Voting for Obama

Facebook friend Dave H. used the acronym “LMO” in a political comment earlier today. After I asked about it, he clarified: LMO stands for “Lord Messiah Obama.”

Ack. My reply went on for a bit as I explored how I felt about Obama, and other things. I’m reprinting it here because … well, I wanted the clarification to get a larger airing:

Re: Lord Messiah Obama

I don’t think Obama sees himself that way. I don’t think thoughtful people see him that way. Continue reading “No Secret Here: I’m Voting for Obama”

An Open Letter About the Making of Mistakes

I’m always afraid of screwing up. Seriously.

That’s especially true when I’m online, because sometimes online reactions can be extreme. One little mistake, and you’re suddenly The Enemy.

I once got on the wrong side of a group of women on a feminist website, and … damn, it got nasty. Some of the nice ladies actually followed me to the comment sections of other websites to point out what a viciously sexist woman-hater I was.

I’ve made disparaging comments about tattooing, and oh boy, you do not want to rile up the tattoo-lovers. “You’re judging people by their appearance! You’re just like every other prejudiced bigot! You HATE people who have every right to express themselves, because you’re EEEEVILLLL!” Continue reading “An Open Letter About the Making of Mistakes”

The Brassican Heresy (repost)

Warning: The following post is long, and may contain insults to French people. And Christians. And probably frogs.

[Repost from Jan 18, 2012]


I’d like to propose to you a daring hypothesis.

You may be surprised by it. You may be stunned. You might even be shocked. Because this is such a daring idea, some of you reading this right now may actually be horrified. There’s even the possibility – distant, but real, so I have to warn you – that one or more people about to read the following hypothesis will suffer deep psychological damage and end up under permanent psychiatric care, or possibly even comatose.

I don’t really want to just spring it on you suddenly. This is something so new, so different, so deeply significant, that I feel very strongly that it should have its own screen. It’s just not something I feel okay with plopping down in a sea of insignificant words, as if it were one common grain of sand on a vast beach.

This is something so special it demands treatment you’d immediately consider … unusual.

So. If you think you’re ready for it, brace yourself and look below the break. Here it comes: Continue reading “The Brassican Heresy (repost)”