Earthman’s Journey – Part 5 (of 8)

[ Part 12345678 ]

Molly (cont.)

This kind of thought wasn’t completely new for me – I confess I’d dwelt many times on the fortunes of other men, wistful and envious of the assets they enjoyed.

“What would it be like to be him?” I had asked myself, him way up there with all that money, with a daddy who provides private airplanes and the family’s own airport, with new trucks and horses and jet skis and scuba diving lessons there for the asking.

“What would it be like to be him?” … riding high, the life of the party, the totally unselfconscious, self-assured fellow who plays pool like a master, drives cars like a professional racer, rides horses and ropes calves like a rodeo champion. Continue reading “Earthman’s Journey – Part 5 (of 8)”

Earthman’s Journey – Part 4 (of 8)

[ Part 12345678 ]


For eight years in my 20s and 30s, I was a draft horse teamster at a resort-town ranch, driving a two-up hitch of massive blond Belgians or coal-black Percherons, on a huge hay wagon for mid-summer meadow rides, or on big sleighs that would glide over the high-mountain snow on moonlit winter nights.

Molly was one of the ranch dogs. She was no particular color – a little black, a little brown, a little gray, all mixed up in a dark grizzle. Like most cowdog breeds, she was a sturdy little thing, weighing forty pounds at most and standing about 18 inches high.

She was no great spark in the personality field. Poor Molly was a bit of a slinker – one of those quiet, careful dogs who skirts around the edges of action, waiting to see if it’s safe to be noticed. Continue reading “Earthman’s Journey – Part 4 (of 8)”

Hey Kids! Free Drugs!

Suppose there was a way to make other people think like you?

Imagine a drug you could hand out that, with regular doses over a period of time, would cause other people to be like you, to agree with you, in most every way. A drug that would cause them to be UNABLE, mostly, to disagree with you.

1) Would you give it to your kids?

2) Would you give it to your friends? Continue reading “Hey Kids! Free Drugs!”

Catholic Childhood Abuse

Regarding childhood abuse, I think the prevailing attitude toward it is that at some point you should just get over it.

And I agree, mostly. Full-grown adults who talk about their childhood traumas, and never seem to get over them and just move on, well, you get tired of listening, don’t you?

But then again, I can’t help but think of bonsai trees.

Miranda Celeste opens a window into a type of childhood abuse which, because it is so socially acceptable, is often overlooked. Continue reading “Catholic Childhood Abuse”

Help PZ Pick a Title for His Book

PZ Myers is asking for help in naming his book.

I’ve got this book off at my publisher, and we’re still arguing over the title. Everything else looks good, but we can’t agree on this one rather big thing: my editor definitely wants it to be something personal and about me, of all people. So I have an exercise for everyone. Imagine an infidel like me with a book that skewers religion and triumphantly praises the godless way of life. Imagine the cover. There, in big bold print it says…

The __________ Atheist

Fill in the blank.

My suggestions are: Continue reading “Help PZ Pick a Title for His Book”

Death to Atheists!

The software that runs this blog (and all the blogs on FTB) includes some tools on the back end that show stuff like the total number of hits per day for the whole site, number of hits per day on each article, etc. It also has a little feature that shows, for the people who arrive here via Google or some other search engine, the exact search term they used.

Most of them are matter-of-fact phrases — “is bloomberg an atheist” — which connect in an obvious way with some story I’ve written, but others are a little bit mysterious — “manipulative jews” — as far as making me wonder why anyone would search such a thing, but also … why did it link to ME?? Oh, right, I illustrated Kitten, Cat or Tiger with mention of Nazi philosophy.

Some of them are slightly humorous (to me, anyway) — “the perils of atheism” — which I’d guess would link to a bunch of stories about how it was bad to be an atheist, but instead seem to link to a lot of stories about the dangers of being an atheist in a predominantly Christian society. Not the perils OF atheists, but the perils TO atheists.

This one from today caught my attention: “fight the athiests.” Continue reading “Death to Atheists!”

Earthman’s Journey – Part 3 (of 8)

[ Part 12345678 ]



After seasons of proving myself at many of the other chores of branding, on this day, I’m in charge of castrations. After the calf slides to a stop and both the heel rope and the top man are firmly in place, I step forward and kneel down by the calf’s belly. I stretch out the scrotum and slice across the lower third of it with a sharp knife. The testicles usually pop out on their own, but sometimes you have to fish around, pressing here and there, to get them to come free. Pulled out several inches, they’re still connected by silvery-blue cords that have to be either carefully scraped through with a knife or cut through with a pliers-like tool that simultaneously severs and crushes them. Skill comes into play here to prevent excessive bleeding. The scraping technique causes the arteries to spasm and close down and takes considerable care to do right; on the other hand the cutting-crushing tool, an emasculatome, is more foolproof, sealing the arteries by intense pressure, and can be used in full confidence by just about anyone with a bit of grip strength. Continue reading “Earthman’s Journey – Part 3 (of 8)”

From the Book: “Kind Words”

Quite a lot of what I think about when I think about atheism is non-religious morality.

This is a piece that bears on the subject,a short chapter from my book. It grew out of an essay on an older blog, and it’s titled simply “Kind Words.”

Like so many things, the subject has nothing at all to do with religion, but far too many people think it DOES, and find it impossible to imagine it any other way.

It’s obvious to me that the minute you take up believing in gods, you become less able to really understand what’s good and what’s not. For one thing, you mistakenly imagine a mystical superbeing as the major source of good, and it diminishes the necessity of your own performance. Continue reading “From the Book: “Kind Words””

American Blood: Why the Atheist Fight is Everybody’s Fight

The story is a month old, so I’m sure you’ve caught the controversy over the mangled-beam cross at the 9/11 memorial site, and the fact that atheists oppose the thing.

You’ve probably also caught the blowback, which includes online death threats to atheists by nice Christians.

Responding to the subject on Facebook, a commenter named Janice D. blamed atheists for the whole thing:

“Yes, the Christians are feeling very threatened in today’s political climate […] Their God IS being kicked out of everywhere in the name of political correctness.”

To which I say … Continue reading “American Blood: Why the Atheist Fight is Everybody’s Fight”